Book Clubs

Do you have a hard time asking for help? If you do, you're not alone.  I have a friend going through what I call the change trifecta -- divorce, job change and possible relocation in the midst of our collective change.  She shared with me

Monday, I had an unusual experience. I started my day with a simple plan. A doctor's visit about my knee.  Happy with my progress my doctor suggested finding medical magnets to get the pocket of swelling out of my knee.  I made a few stops with no

A friend left a puzzle for me at my front door.  For weeks the picture of a golden lab diving into water after his red and purple ball stared back at me. Yesterday I opened the box. I thought, "A puzzle and a fork in a road have

I loved these two poems. They speak to the spaces of this time. The first one is from Rumi-                               The Guest House This being human is a guest house. Every morning a

Yesterday I found out I was furloughed. I was a bit shocked and surprised with the receipt of my afternoon email.  This was the second round of furloughs and I didn't think I would be impacted especially since I had been in morning meetings discussing

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