Dreams Do Come True
Have you ever gotten really excited about a dream you have for yourself? You can feel it. You can see it. And then your current reality hits you and…POOF it’s gone.
It’s not really gone; it’s lingering in the background of your life. And if you have a dream that no matter when you talk about it, it lights you up, hold on to it!
Maybe it’s a new relationship. A friend of mine has a re-occurring image of herself in a turtleneck answering the door in her favorite New England town. In the background a fire blazes and she sees her future love.
How does she make this image a reality? Here’s how; you need to become a vigilante about your dreams. Yes vigilante. You guard it like a precious child.
Maybe you’re reading this and saying, “Louisa, I have no dreams, or I am afraid to dream.” That’s okay stick with me here.
Every day my friend can begin to write down her dream in detail. She can get intentional about visiting her favorite New England town. Every step she takes is one step forward towards her dream.
Another friend always wanted to have a garden in the 100-plus-degree-heat of Phoenix, which is no easy task. For years the empty planters on her patio remained empty. But, alongside the planters she had a compost box. She diligently took her coffee grinds, banana peels and juice pulp and made a grade-A soil. This past winter, her husband jerry-rigged plastic netting around the planters to keep the coyotes out and now her garden blooms. How many times did she walk by those empty planters with the dream of her garden? It wasn’t times, it was years.
Life is now! So back to those of you who may have been beaten up by life or afraid to dream. I can remember those days of not wanting to dream again. Really, who wants more heart break, disappointment or failure of any kind?
Here’s what I know. I stood next to my friend and I felt her joy as we looked at the baby tomatoes on the branches, and I know my friend will meet the love of her life and live in her New England town.
I’m not psychic but my friend radiates joy and vitality no matter her setbacks. She is one of the most positive and funniest people I know. I have seen her in action as a single mom. She is vigilant about her children’s dreams. She has protected and guided them with their dreams and now she gets to do it for herself. And I am a stand in her life that she will!
It’s time to set in motion your dreams and rediscover what lights you up. How about starting today?
Together we connect,
P.S. I love to connect! Leave your comments here!