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December 17, 2019 The trade winds returned tonight, blowing hard the Island's trees.  Finally, piercing the oppressive wall of humidity that has hung in the air for weeks.  Reminding me how swiftly things can change.  In the midst of this season I came upon the Netflix series, "The Royals" by accident and was instantly drawn in with the storytelling, the humanity and the intersections of family, country and faith.  Queen Elizabeth was thrust into the head

December 10, 2019 I am short on words this week. In this season of giving and receiving I find myself pausing to take in the lights of the season, the smell of pine and holiday songs.  The holiday season is different for all of us. In the midst of all the running around I can listen to the voice that wants to remind me, stress me out or

So this is a stretch for me to share. Last Friday night I went to a big craft brewery to celebrate a friend getting her PhD.  It was a big venue with indoor and outdoor bars, a live band and a big dance floor.  I didn't know anyone but my friend and her husband.  I danced, talked over the loud music and people watched.   At one point a

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